RedCross @ HackTheBox
Redcross is a machine on, featuring sql injection, cookie reuse and a nice binary exploitation challenge, which I enjoyed a lot.
Redcross is a machine on, featuring sql injection, cookie reuse and a nice binary exploitation challenge, which I enjoyed a lot.
LaCasaDePapel is a rather easy machine on, featuring the use of php reflection, creating and signing of client certificates and the abuse of a cronjob. Unfortunately the box was very unstable and slow for me and therefore pretty unenjoyable.
Curling is one of the easier boxes on, featuring getting a shell on joomla via template editing, getting a password from an obfuscated file and exploiting an insecure curl script.
Frolic is a medium difficulty machine on, featuring a lot of CTF-ish language conversions, the usage of a public exploit for "playsms" and (simple) custom binary exploit.
Carrier is a nice, medium difficulty machine on featuring information retrieval via snmp, command injection and bgp hijacking. The bgp hijacking part was a nice learning experience as this is a technique you probably don't see every day.
This post is a walkthrough of Zipper, an interesting machine on featuring the zabbix network monitoring application. It involves the application of known zabbix exploits, manipulation of database entries and light custom exploitation of a privileged binary.